Trip Requests to Avoid & What is Exclusive Trip Requests?

Every trip request ping, you have about 3 to 5 seconds to decline or accept. Each time, you have to process the trip information quickly to understand what is involved with that mission and how much you are getting paid for that work with associated risks. Exclusive trip requests are usually exclusively garbage trips you as a driver shouldn't accept. However, if you are slow in your brain department or not familiar with rideshare companies' tricks and algorithms, you will most likely take these garbage trip requests immediately just by looking at the $ amount. That being said, I will explain why you should not take these garbage requests. 

The first example above, you are driving minimum total of 21.5 miles for $14.45. The company is probably charging the passenger somewhere between $35 to $45. You are not even getting $1 per mile driving your own car. $1 per mile was the standard a decade or more ago which is way off in 2020's. On top of that, you have to drive at least minimum 3.6 miles to pick up the passenger that you don't even know for sure it is legit. Then, there is a big possibility of traffic jam on the route in that time of the day. So the total duration of trip could possibly last for 50 minutes to an hour or more depending what is going on around that time.

With this trip example above, you are getting paid $13.74 for driving minimum total of 22.7 miles. Even worse, you have to drive minimum 5.5 miles to pick up the passenger. Just by looking at the route and destination, this looks like an adventure with unknown variables instead of a simple straight forward mission. This is a bare minimum $40 in order for you to justify accepting this.

This example above is one of many classic tricks from rideshare companies. This trip has $4 surge on it, but you are driving minimum total of 23.1 miles which is still less than $1 per mile for all your troubles. They will time after time use surging on the map to bait drivers. With this trip, the company is using surge pricing and ripping both the driver and passengers big time. You should definitely avoid this trip request. 

With this request, you are getting paid $17.42 for driving minimum total of 28.7 miles. On top of that, you are driving to some place in the middle of nowhere. I don't know if the passenger is going there to bury dead bodies, but that's way too far out from Las Vegas. Depending on where you live or operate, you must also remember that you have to return to LV. So with this trip, in reality, you are essentially driving minimum total of 55.9 miles for $17.42. Unless this passenger gives you at least $100 tip upfront, this is not a request any driver with a functioning brain should accept no matter what. 

With this example above, you are driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles for $220.45. You are driving a minimum of 281 miles with 4 or 5 plus hours one way. You have to be the ultimate moron to take this trip because you are driving at least 562 miles for $220.45 for 8 hours plus. What is the chance of you finding someone who wants to drive back to Las Vegas with you? You figure that one out. 

Then there is another things to consider. Let's say that you do accept that request and take the passenger to his/her destination to Los Angeles. What are you going to do when Uber gives you $180 instead of $220.45? You will probably call the support line to get your money since you think that they are there to make things right. Wrong!

However, just like the example above, you are going to waste time talking to useless and spineless employees and chat bots who will do everything in their powers to meet their quotas and not pay you. Believe it or not, they are not committed to finding new and better ways to improve your earning experiences. They are only 1000% committed to finding new and better ways to milk and f**k the drivers and passengers. It is no coincidence that their support call centers are located in overseas such as India, Philippines and etc. When you talk to these call center people, they sound and talk like they care about your concern, but they don't give a flying F about you. They probably dislike the fact that they are talking to people living in America. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them call center people quit and flew to Mexico to cross the border. 

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