Steal Tippin'

A Texan couple confirmed with me that these gig companies were and are stealing tips from drivers. They told me that they gave a driver $10 through the app after getting out of the car. Before the driver drove away, the couple wanted to know, out of curiosity, to see how much the driver received for tip. They found out that the company took 60% of tip and gave the driver $4.

This is one main reason why you should drive for taxi companies. 95% of Taxi users/passengers will tip you and they tip you in cash. I had a suspicion for a long time based on how these companies were operating their businesses and apps. No wonder why they had set up their support call centers in overseas. It's difficult to subpoena those employees who know all the dirty secrets to the US court system when they live in India, Philippines or etc. They are not even Americans living in the US, so of course, they don't give a sh!t about the well beings of American drivers working on Uber, Lyft and other gig platforms. 

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